
Debugging Tools


One URI template or string per line (try the tester).

Use * to subscribe to all topics.


Not subscribed.


First line: canonical IRI or string.
Next lines: alternate IRIs or strings.


Will be filled automatically if you discover a resource.

The mercureAuthorization cookie will be set automatically by the server only if you discover a demo endpoint.

Required to publish, or to subscribe to private updates.
Claim structure to use:

  "mercure": {
    "subscribe": ["list of topic selectors, * for all, omit for public only"],
    "publish": ["list of topic selectors, * for all, omit to not allow to publish"]

Create a token (demo key: !ChangeMe!)


URL returning a Link rel="mercure" HTTP header to init the discovery.
Demo endpoints: any subpath of /demo.

Data to return. Supported only by demo endpoints.

Active subscriptions